Thanks to image recognition technology, we detected vehicles with faulty lights and warned drivers who were waiting at a red light. The system recognized the color and brand of the car, and a personalized warning message appeared on the large-format screen. We indicated that the lights of a particular car were turned off or one of them did not work.
The screen has been equipped with sensors that enable data collection. A dedicated application detected cars with damaged or ineffectual lighting. The system read the make, model, and color of the vehicle. The drivers, stopping at a red light, could see the message addressed directly to them: “Driver of the blue Volkswagen – your lights are off”, “your right light is out of order” and react quickly. Incorrect operation of the lights means that in bad weather conditions and with insufficient visibility, the likelihood of a road accident increases. That is why, together with the Polish Police, as part of the “Your Lights – Our Safety” campaign, we warned drivers waiting for the traffic lights to change.